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Live life with friends from down the street or around the world!
An easy way to get started is by attending one of our 90+ Life.Church Online services together. Find a time that fits your group’s schedule, attend together, and then discuss the message afterward.
These discussion questions about the message give you a great head-start to lead your group in a meaningful conversation digitally or in-person.
If you’re leading your group through some past message series, let Pastor Craig lead your LifeGroup! If you’re struggling to ask meaningful questions or spark conversations, these videos will prove incredibly valuable.
When you’re a LifeGroup Leader with Life.Church Online, you’ll get access to even more helpful resources, tips, and you'll be connected to a global community of LifeGroup Leaders. Sign up to lead a group now!
You can meet up at a specific time on your favorite platform to connect. There are many free tools Online LifeGroups use to host regular video calls, like Talky, Jitsi, Skype, Google Meet, or Zoom. Find one that works best for your group.
Try staying connected outside of your regular meet-ups by using a platform that allows you to create a group. You'll always be a click away from connection with your online LifeGroup. Some platforms LifeGroups often use are Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp Groups, Instagram Groups, and Slack.
Family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers are great people to ask first! Let them know you're starting your LifeGroup by sending them a text or posting to social media.
If you're one of our leaders, your group can be listed on our website. If you lead a Digital LifeGroup, people from around the world can join! If you lead an In-Person LifeGroup, people from your area can join! At anytime, you can mark your group as private and it won't be listed publicly.
If your LifeGroup is made up of people in your area, you can physically meet up each week. Lead a group that gets together to attend Church Online or you can lead one that attends separately and comes together to talk it over.